An-easy-to-use tool for certified media content creation
Programma di finanziamento: TruBlo - NGI (Next Generation Internet)
Responsabile scientifico: Federico Costantini
Durata del progetto. 13.06.2022 - 31.03.2023
Presentazione del progetto
TRUTHSTER’s vision is aimed at empowering media professionals with the creation of certified materials through the integration of blockchain and mobile technology, as a crucial factor for innovating and improving trust in the market of content creation. TRUTHSTER aims to support media professionals by providing them with an easy tool for certifying the creation of media content requiring the interaction with a user (e.g. an interview) and generating semi-automated legal disclaimers and licenses. The Truthster project proposes an application for journalists, developers, activists and influencers as well as a solution in terms of a business model to provide a “participatory” and open innovation system for the control of journalistic sources in the news media chain.